With Christmas less than 30 sleeps away, now is the perfect time to declutter toys with your kids.
You read that right…WITH your kids. 😊
I swear I’m not crazy! I know decluttering toys with your kids may take longer (at first) and result in fewer toys leaving your house than if you did it yourself. But here’s why you should do it:
Kids learn by doing!
Participating teaches them the valuable life skill of being responsible for their own “things”, the benefits of letting go of items that have served their purpose, and how to be charitable and it lays the foundation for a life-long healthy relationship with “stuff”.
Here are 5 tips to help you get started:
Kids learn by example. If they see you putting things away after you use them, they are much more likely to follow suit. Yes, this means you want to make a habit of being organized yourself. 😊
A shouted “go clean up your room” is not going to cut it. Kids need to be taught how to organize. The best way to help your kids is to organize their spaces with them when they’re young. The holiday season is a great excuse to tackle toys and books they’ve outgrown. Start with toys or games that are broken or missing pieces. I’m a big fan of going for the low hanging fruit to get the ball rolling.
Instead of asking them “What do you want to get rid of?”, ask them “What do you want to keep?” or “What do you play with the most?” When your kids are having a tough time letting go of a stuffed animal or toy, you can also explain to them that they are helping provide wonderful gifts for kids who can’t afford to buy new toys. But don’t force them. They’ll let go when they’re ready. The generosity of your kids will astound you!
Don’t make organizing a chore for your kids to dread. Turn it into a game. Set up boxes or laundry baskets for “keep”, “donate” and “toss” items. Then have your kids shoot their toys (as long as they aren’t breakable) into the appropriate box or basket. When kids have fun doing something, they are less likely to think of it as a chore. Win win!
You can play a sorting game with your kids to teach them to keep “like with like.” All the stuffed animals live here. All your books go here. This drawer holds all of your t-shirts and this drawer is full of socks. This sorting process is crucial for the next step, which is making sure everything has a home.
Whether it’s drawers, bins, toy boxes or shelves, everything your children use should have a home. How can you expect your kids to be organized if they don’t know where their stuff belongs? Every child is different and learns differently so find what works best. For very young kids, using pictures as labels can teach them where things go. As they get older and start reading and writing, you can swap out those labels and even get the kids involved in making them.
As always, if you need help getting started, give me a call. I love teaching adults and kids how to be organized!