A remodeling project caused my client to move apartments multiple times over several months. When she was finally back in her own space, she was fed up with unpacking and organizing. SOS to the rescue! Scroll to see all the boxes and bins disappear, leaving an organized and clutter-free home!
I love helping clients get settled after a move. I helped this client purge before packing prior to this move. She was downsizing to a home a third of the size and could only keep what she truly loved and needed. I’m happy to report that I was able to unpack and find a home for everything she decided to keep.
It’s always such an honor to help clients get settled after a move. When this Denver mom left in the morning, she was surrounded by boxes and chaos. When she arrived home, her kitchen was completely unpacked and organized without a box in sight!
The Gift of Organization
A client of mine gave me as a gift to her parents when they moved to Colorado. What a joy it was helping them get settled. Because this was during the COVID-19 craziness, I worked alone tackling the kitchen, the master closet, both home offices, a trophy wall and even a games closet for the grandkids. For her home office and trophy wall, I worked from pictures they sent me from their previous home and was able to organize her books and trophies right down to the same order she had them in Indiana. π I only wish I could have seen their faces when they finally walked into their completely unpacked and organized new home!
Ready to Entertain!
SOS gets a kitchen and pantry unpacked and put away in just 4 hours. Our goal was to get everything organized so the homeowners could celebrate their daughter’s birthday properly. Mission accomplished!
Ready to Get Cookin’!
I get so much satisfaction helping clients get unpacked and organized in their new homes. This Denver client was a joy to work with. SOS tackled the mountain of boxes quickly to get her kitchen in order. Boxes and paper were set out for recycling so you can’t even tell she just moved. Fun!
Post Move Unpack
I helped this Denver family purge and prep their home for sale and was thrilled when they called me to help them unpack once they got into their new home. We tackled the dining room, living room, home office and a couple of bedrooms. So fun helping them get settled!
Recovering from a Flood
When I received the call from this Denver family, I knew it would be both emotional and rewarding. The previous year, while they were out of the country, their upstairs bathroom sprung a leak and damaged all 3 floors of the house before it was discovered. A restoration company was brought in to dry out and pack up all of the family’s belongings so that the leak could be repaired and the house renovated. Eleven months later, enter SOS. Unpacking boxes was an interesting process. There was no rhyme or reason to any of it. I opened one box to find dishes, kids clothing, Christmas decorations and gardening equipment. On top of that, not everything that got packed away was completely dry so the family lost of lot of precious items like photos and stuffed animals that their kids loved. They also lost a lot of furniture. It was heartbreaking. But they soldiered on and we were able to get the kitchen, playroom and basement storage area completely put away.
Post Remodel Unpack
After a really lengthy remodel, this Denver woman wanted help getting her new kitchen and pantry unpacked an put away. In fact, she let SOS do the work while she enjoyed a Saturday outing with her kids. When she came home, everything was organized and ready to go. She said she couldn’t be happier and is now extra anxious for her contractor to put in the back splash! π


Welcome to Denver!
I had so much fun helping this family unpack after their move from California to Denver. When she called me, she was in complete overwhelm and didn’t want to look at another box. SOS to the rescue! We tackled the kitchen first.
Then we switched our attention to the basement bar area.
Next up was the master closet, the master bath and then one of the kid’s rooms.
Along the way we unpacked and organized the pantry, living room, linen closets, laundry room and storage areas. Unfortunately, I was so focused on unpacking, that I forgot to take before pics. π
Needless to say, they now feel settled in their new home and are anxiously awaiting window coverings!
Unpacked in 4 Days!
When one of my favorite clients told me she was moving, I was so excited to help her get ready prior to the movers showing up…and unpacked and put away after they had left. At the end of 4 days…every box was gone and everything was organized…including the garage.
First up was the kitchen. SOS quickly attacked the wall of moving boxes to get everything put away. Kitchen envy anyone? π
Next, SOS made sure her daughter’s room and play spaces were in order. For the craft room, we removed the shelf and rod that were in the closet to create floor to ceiling shelves for all of her supplies.
After getting every other room unpacked and organized, it was time to tackle the garage. Prior to her moving in, I designed storage using elfa from The Container Store to get everything off the floor. It was installed on moving day and ready for me to load it up on the final day of unpacking.
Ready to Cook
SOS was happy to help this Boulder homeowner get his newly remodeled kitchen organized. All of his belongings had been in storage for months so he was thrilled to leave the unpacking and putting away to me. Beautiful, isn’t it?
All Settled In
I helped this couple move into an apartment last year. I was honored when they called and asked me to help them make this their most organized move ever by packing for them and then getting them settled into their new home. The SOS team took a day to pack things up and 2 days to transform rooms of boxes into a live in ready home!
Getting Settled
Unpacking and getting settled after a move can be incredibly stressful. SOS was happy to help this Greenwood Village mom get a couple of her toughest spaces put away and tidied. We tackled the basement entertaining area, the master closet, the pantry, the basement play area and a few other spaces. At the end of the day, she felt less stressed and more in control. Mission accomplished!
Unpacked and Put Away
I love unpack jobs because it lets me help clients get set up for organized success right away. When this couple moved from Longmont to Denver, they called SOS for help getting everything unpacked and put away. When my team and I arrived, there was a home full of boxes. When the couple returned at the end of the day, all they had to do was relax in their new home!
Pack and Settle
I love helping people move into new spaces. Itβs so much fun taking stacks of boxes and piles of stuff just off the moving truck and turning a moving zone into a happy home. This two bedroom, two bath apartment in the Stapleton area of Denver was completely unpacked in just 2 days!
Kitchen Unpacked and Put Away
Anyone who moves can attest to the fact that kitchens take a lot of time and energy to unpack. When this Denver homeowner called me, he had already unpacked most of his belongings but facing the kitchen was too daunting. SOS to the rescue! While he ran errands, I unpacked all of the boxes and got everything put away. When he returned, we even got a few of his pictures hung in the other rooms. π