Making Room for Baby
People call me for all sorts of reasons. It’s not always about the need to declutter. In this case, it was to help set up a nursery for this Denver couple’s first baby. It was so fun getting all the tiny little clothes folded and put away (by size and type, of course!). We set up the toy bin and story area, and created a diaper changing station (and yes, the diapers in the drawers are organized by size, as well…lol). All ready for baby!
Clearing the Clutter
When this Denver woman called me, she felt overwhelmed about where to start clearing the clutter in her master bedroom. It was anything but a calm place to sleep. But in no time at all, the toys were relocated to the kids’ rooms, laundry was put away, and all those little things that didn’t belong found proper homes. Ahhhh…serenity!
Home for the Holidays
This Denver family moved just before the holidays. SOS helped get the kitchen, pantry and several closets organized. But the real treat was unpacking and organizing the bedroom for their daughter who goes to college out of state. Clothes were hung in the closet (how did I forget to take a picture of the closet?!) and we put that dresser to good use, too. I wish I could see her face when she walks into her new bedroom in her new house at Christmas.


A Less Cluttered Guest Room
There’s nothing like knowing you have visitors coming to get you to swing into action. SOS made quick work of getting this spare room ready for guests.


Put That Wall to Work
SOS creates a work space, display space and additional clothes storage in a small bedroom. Tiny closet? No problem. It’s easy to create storage on a bedroom wall AND have it look pretty.
Girlie Room
Sometimes all it takes to get a kid’s room in order is a few cute bins and some labels. We sorted all of the toys in this little girl’s room into categories: Barbie, crafts, American Girl, dress up, etc. With all of the little pieces, bins made perfect sense to keep things together. We went one step further and added cute labels so she can easily grab and play. The labels are erasable, so as she outgrows some of her toys, she can donate the old and re-use the bin for the new.
A More Welcoming Bedroom
Spare bedrooms often become the place to stash all those “things we’ll put away later.” An upcoming family visit prompted this Wash Park woman to call SOS for help getting this bedroom ready for guests! We started by finding new homes for things that didn’t belong in this space. We also made room in the closet by purging out of season clothes that would no longer fit the kids. And, voila! Guest ready and welcoming!
Guest Room Transformed
This room serves double duty. It’s both a home office and a guest room. As you can see in the before pictures, it wasn’t functioning well for either use. SOS to the rescue! We did some serious paper sorting and the end result is an attractive, organized space.
Kid Clutter Cleared
I had the pleasure of working with my client and her 11-year-old son on this project. He wanted to re-organize his bedroom since he was outgrowing some of his “stuff.” We spent the morning going through everything. He was a rock star! At the end of the session, his little squeal of delight made my day!