This Denver couple had a large storage room, but everything was just piled on the floor. I suggested getting some freestanding shelving units to maximize the space. And what a game changer! Nothing needed to be purged from this space. Not only did we get everything off the floor and onto the shelves, we were able to empty another storage closet and put all of their holiday decorations in this room. Even better…they have empty shelves for any future items that need to be stored.
This storage room was lacking one very important feature…SHELVES! Knowing this space was going to be used to store holiday decorations, as well as a clothing rack for ski jackets and gear, we decided on deep, built-in shelves. We also knew we had to get some clear bins to store everything. Once everything was sorted, we were able to group all of the decor into the appropriate-sized bins and get them on the wonderful new shelves. Now this storage room is functional, as well as organized.
This Denver couple didn’t know what to do about this narrow storage space with concrete walls – so they just piled things they didn’t use often and tried to ignore the mess. Until they couldn’t. 🙂 I measured the space and we bought freestanding shelving units to maximize every inch. Once we sorted through everything, we were able to get all of it on the shelves where it’s easy to see and access.
The Gift of Organization
It makes my heart happy when my clients refer me to friends and family. In this case, my services were donated to the Montessori school my client’s kids attend. She saw the teachers struggling to make the office and storage spaces in the school’s basement work for them. Enter SOS! First up was tackling the main storage room where all of the teacher aids used in lessons are kept. Loads of math, language, science and practical items needed organized so they would be easier to find and put back.
Then there was the hallway where the school keeps games, puzzles and all of the craft supplies. For this part, we ended up getting an additional shelving unit and some clear plastic bins and drawer units to categorize all of the art supplies. It’s now so much easier to find specific things like googly eyes when they’re needed. 🙂
Next up, we tackled the teachers’ office. This space serves as an office, teacher’s lounge and storage area for upcoming events.
And finally, the storage room and a small hallway nook that was serving as overflow storage. As we combed through the items in these two areas, a lot of items belonged elsewhere or were being donated. Once all of that was removed, we wound up with a couple of tidy areas that are much easier to access.
Disorganized Dining Room
SOS clears the clutter to create space for this family to actually use their dining room. Everything filling up the space had homes elsewhere in the house…it was just a matter of getting everything where it belonged. 🙂
Spruced Up Storage Room
This was a fun project! This storage room needed some serious SOS. There was already the framework of some shelves on one wall, but we needed to add shelves to truly make this space work for my client. We pulled everything out and sorted it into piles of photos, memorabilia, cleaning products, craft supplies, cookbooks and artwork. The trash, recycle and donate piles were quite large! 🙂 Once the room was empty, a handyman took out the built-in hanging space and painted everything. We then had elfa from The Container Store installed. Not only is everything categorized and easy to find…but there are empty shelves! She already has plans to move some items from elsewhere in the house into this spruced up storage space.




An Organized Shed
This client in Longmont lives in a small house and does not have a garage. Luckily she has a big shed in her back yard…but it needed some serious help from SOS. We tossed and donated loads of stuff. We then categorized everything that remained and put it all in water tight containers (labeled, of course!). We also bought and built shelves to take advantage of the vertical space. Now, everything is easy to see and access!




Store That Stuff on Shelves!
Shelves make all the difference in this storage room. No more stacks of boxes to dig through to get to the one needed. Now, everything is easy to see, take out and put back. Adding shelves also made the storage room feel twice as big!




Mudroom Makeover
Mismatched cabinets and a single shelf were not meeting this homeowner’s mudroom needs. She wanted to have a drop zone for her purses, numerous shoes and a place to hang coats. Enter SOS with a solution using elfa from The Container Store to fulfill all her needs!
SOS Attacks an Attic
Attics are one of those spaces that people tend to forget about once they stuff something in it. This attic had great built-in shelves for storage. It just needed to be organized. Instead of keeping things in cardboard boxes, we invested in some clear storage containers. We sorted and purged and then put everything we could into the stackable containers. We also labeled everything. Now this Boulder family can easily find their holiday decorations and camping gear. And just look at all of that empty storage space! 🙂
Shed Clean Up
A shed this size is a bonus for most home owners. But this Park Hill woman wasn’t sure where to start when it came to organizing her space. No worries…SOS knew just what to do. First, we pulled everything out and made piles by category: camping, gardening, chemicals, home improvement items and holiday decorations. Then it was time to clean the space. We swept the floor, sucked up all of the dead bugs and spider webs in the rafters and walls, and wiped down all of the shelves. We then used the walls to hang long handled tools and set up zones for each of our categories. The shed now looks and feels twice as big and everything is easy to see and use!
This overflowing storage room was sending out a serious organizing SOS!
Once we cleared the room, we sorted everything into categories: memorabilia, decorations, home improvement, luggage and out-of-season items. Clearing the room also made it possible to take measurements because this space screamed for shelving. Putting the shelves together was easy and we were able to place the shelves right where we needed them for the various bins. Now everything is visible and accessible!
A Shipshape Shed
This garden and tool shed looks and feels twice as big after SOS clears the clutter. Removing left over materials from old yard projects immediately improved the space. And by using the walls to hang smaller items, it cleared the floor, making it much easier to get the lawn mower in and out. Now these Littleton homeowners even have counter space to pot plants.
No More Storage Unit
Eleven years! That’s how long a Lakewood couple had a storage unit full of “stuff.” But NO MORE!!! After that many years, most of the items were set aside for donation. But there were numerous boxes of books, papers, photos and other belongings that needed to be sorted. At the end of the sorting process, the items they kept filled only 10 small boxes. Not only are they thrilled to be rid of all that “stuff,” they’re extremely happy to be rid of that monthly bill. jQuery1113016584378760308027_1449500268790jQuery112407206474384527494_1517600265929