Get Rid of Prescription Drugs Safely

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day was Saturday, October 28th. If you didn’t get a chance to drop off your unused or expired medications, here’s some information on Colorado’s Household Medication Take-Back Program.

A Crafty Makeover

One of the most fun projects I’ve done this year is create a craft room out of a former bedroom.

15 Minute Clutter Clearing Projects

Getting organized doesn’t have to be a grand, overwhelming, top-to-bottom house overhaul. Sometimes it’s easier to de-clutter in bite sized pieces. So here are 5 organizing projects you can probably do in 15 minutes or less.

The SOS Resource Guide

Because so much of what I do as an organizer involves helping people purge the things they no longer need or use, I’ve come up with some “go-to” resources for disposing or donating those items. I hope you find this helpful!

The Big Basement Clean Out

As you can imagine, this homeowner was overwhelmed every time she stepped into her basement. It had become the dumping ground for everything the family didn’t know what to do with.