We’ve spent a lot of time so far this year going over some organizing basics. But I know some of you still feel a bit overwhelmed by the thought of decluttering your homes.
Last month, I shared a quick start guide of 10 easy areas of your home to declutter.
This month, because I know you’re up for it, 10 more categories. These might be a little tougher, but I know you can do it! Remember, this is all about getting rid of things you no longer need or want.
Ready?! Time to toss, donate or recycle!
Let’s get started!
1. Books
I’ll admit, this used to be a tough declutter category for me. I love to read! But, I also know which books I’ll actually read again and which authors I no longer enjoy. So go through your collection and donate to your local library. I’ll tell you from experience, I have never regretted any of my donations.

2. Tupperware
I’m not sure how it happens, but lids seem to multiply while bottoms seem to disappear from all of my client’s Tupperware collections. Go through that cabinet or drawer and match up lids with bottoms. Anything without a match, toss. Anything that’s stained, let it go. Those specialty sizes and types you thought you’d use but never have? Donate.
3. Glasses
Everyday drinking glasses, juice glasses, wine glasses, and specialty drink glasses. Take a good look at the way you live and entertain. Do you really need martini, margarita, and cordial glasses (admittedly these are super cute!)? Keep what you use and donate the rest. “Oh…but these were a gift from Aunt Shirley for our wedding!” Aunt Shirley wouldn’t want you to use up valuable cupboard space with glassware you don’t love or use. And if your glasses have chips or cracks, it’s time to toss and replace them.

4. Kitchen Stuff
This is a wide-ranging category to declutter. Donate duplicates of kitchen gadgets and keep the ones you reach for on a daily basis. If your kids are grown, let go of the sippy cups and tiny dishes. Cookie cutters, baking pans, serving dishes, utensils, etc. If you’re not using them, let them go. You’ll love the extra space in your drawers and cupboards!
5. Coffee Mugs
This is another kitchen mystery. How do coffee cups multiply? Save your favorites and donate the rest. Novelty mugs you’ve collected during your travels but never get used are just taking up space. You know the ones you reach for on a daily basis. And while you’re at it, if you use travel mugs, get rid of the ones without lids or leak.

6. Magazines
If you’re a person who finds it hard to let go of old magazines, try limiting yourself to a basket, bin or magazine holder. Once that bin is full, it’s time to read them or recycle ‘em.
7. Tote Bags
You know the ones I mean. Those “free with purchase” totes that will be great for the pool or beach, but somehow never make it out of your closet. Keep the ones you actually use and donate the rest.
8. Old Decorations
If your home is feeling cluttered, take a good look at your décor. Are there too many items on your coffee table or dresser? Too many pictures on the walls? I can’t tell you the number of homes I’m in where there is so much décor on one surface that none of them stand out as special. Our tastes change and it’s okay to let go of decorations that no longer fit. Ask yourself that all important question…you know the one: “If I went shopping today would I buy this again?” If the answer is “no,” let it go!

9. Office Supplies
I’ll admit, I do love office supplies. There’s something about cute, colored paper clips and fun notebooks that just beg me to buy them. But I’ve made a conscious effort to ask myself “do I really need this?” before adding anything new to my shopping cart. That has helped me pare down what I have brought home in the past. Go through your desk and kitchen command center and let go of those cute push pins that you couldn’t resist but have never used. You can see if your local school needs any supplies or drop them off at a donation center.
10. Gifts You’ve Never Liked
This is probably the toughest category in this declutter list. And it’s all because of one thing…GUILT! But I’m here to tell you that most people do not remember gifts they’ve given you. If they see you wearing something or displaying something in your home that they gave you…yes, they’ll remember and may even comment on it. But it truly is out of sight, out of mind. So if your mom, sister, aunt or friend gave you something that you really won’t ever wear or use, it’s okay to donate it. Someone else will get years of joy out of it.
These 10 categories may be a little tougher than last month’s, but should still be fairly easy for you to get through. You don’t have to tackle all 10 at once.
Next month, we’re going to tackle your closet! But don’t worry, I’ll keep the cheat sheet easy to follow.
And, as always, if you find yourself needing help and motivation, give me a call!