Costumes, craft supplies and old school work made finding anything in this closet a little scary. SOS steps in to tame the chaos and turn crazy into crafty!

The reason it was so hard to keep this closet organized was a complete lack of shelves. A single shelf and rod just wasn’t going to cut it. We started by taking everything out so we could measure and design a more functional space.

Sorting was next. Costumes and craft supplies were separated so we could further categorize all of the craft supplies. Huge props to this Denver mom who put all of the craft supplies into their own baggies.
That made my job of finding the right containers so much easier! We went with a variety of clear containers that stacked. Clear containers make it easy to see what you have but we decided to label each container anyway. 🙂

Once we had everything contained, it was time to start loading up the closet!

Now every craft item has a container and every container has a home.
A more organized craft closet means the kids get to spend more time creating and less time looking for the supplies they need.