Artwork Overload

Back to school time means your kiddos are bringing home lots of school work and art work. And for many parents that spells clutter trouble. Here are some tips to make your budding artist feel appreciated without adding piles of craft projects.

Put That Door to Work

Need extra storage space? Look no further than the back or inside of a door. And one of my favorite organizing products to take advantage of this often over-looked vertical spade is the over-the-door shoe organizer. It’s not just for footwear. Take a look at some of these smart organizing solutions! Cleaning Supplies. You know that mess under your bathroom …

Conquer Clutter Before It Gets in the Door

Clutter comes in many forms. There’s the stuff already in your home and then there’s the stuff knocking on the door, begging to be let in. What’s a gal to do? Here are 3 of the top culprits and some tips to just say “no!”

Time to Spice Things Up

There’s no right or wrong way to organize spices. Do what works for you and your space.

Tips for An Organized Move

Moving season is upon us. After working on several pack and unpack jobs this season, SOS has some tips to make your move a little more organized.