Spring is in the air. Trees and flowers are budding, green grass is emerging and the air has a fresh scent. Spring is a time of new beginnings – a time to clear away the winter blahs and start fresh.
Cleaning isn’t necessarily the most fun thing to do, but once or twice a year, it’s great to tackle areas we don’t get to during our normal cleaning routine.
From a variety of sources, SOS Facebook fans and my own routine, here are some Spring Cleaning Tips & Tricks (and a few ideas that work for everyday cleaning)!
Baking soda is a great cleaner. It gets tea stains out of cups and other stains on dishes. Hydrogen peroxide is good for sanitizing drains–probably better for the environment than bleach.Sherry M.
Wash windows on a cloudy, but not rainy day. Working in direct sunlight causes streaks because the cleaning solution dries before you can wipe it off. This is the best time to vacuum the frames and sills. Cool, clear water is the choice of most professional window washers. If windows are very dirty you can add 2 to 3 tablespoons of vinegar per gallon of water. Use horizontal strokes on the inside and vertical on the outside so you know which side the streaks are on. for drying windows, a wad of crumpled newspaper works just as well as expensive paper towels. Wear rubber gloves to keep your hands free of ink. allabouthome.com
At least twice a year, I disinfect all of our garbage cans inside and out. If the cans are small enough, I run them through the dishwasher. Jill F.
Instead of buying Swiffer cloths all the time, I use microfiber towels and attach them to the base. They can be washed over and over. I use them on the floor and to dust my walls. The long handle can reach high places. Denise K.
I use Mr. Clean Magic Erasers on my ceramic tiles & grout. I’ve tried lots of other cleaners, but nothing else brought up the grime.Julie E.
Run white vinegar through the washer to sanitize the inside and clear away soap scum. Also, wipe the interior walls of the dryer with a cloth dampened with dish washing liquid and warm water. Sally M.
Deep clean your drains. Pour ½ cup of baking soda down the drain. Then pour ½ cup white vinegar. Wait for it to foam. Cover the drain with a stopper and let the solution sit for a few minutes. Flush the drain with a gallon of boiling water. Better Homes and Gardens
I picked up a cleaning caddy to tote my cleaning supplies around. It’s great to have everything in one place and it makes it easier to go from room to room. Before I had one I used to lug all my bottles around in my arms. It was not fun and super clumsy. Michelle D.
Mix 1 TBSP of distilled white vinegar and 1/2 cup of water in a bowl. Bring it to a boil in the microwave and let it sit for a few minutes. The steam will loosen dried-on food so it’s easy to wipe away. Mary Findley, goclean.com
Save water and time. When you take a shower, take a moment before scrubbing yourself to scrub the shower. Then you can rinse together! Maddie P.
Slip a pillowcase over ceiling fan blades, one at a time, then wipe. Dust falls into the pillowcase, not on your furniture and floors.Leslie Reichert, greencleaningcoach.com
Use the brush attachment on your vacuum to clean blinds and drapes. If window treatments can be machine washed, toss them in the washer. Jill F.
I have a black lab…I never knew they SHED sooooo much. I use a squeegee to remove the dog hair from our carpeted stairs.Denise K.
Save time and energy (and the stink of self-cleaning ovens) by placing sheets of aluminum foil at the bottom of your oven. When things drip, just replace the piece of foil! Jill F.
To de-gunk your dishwasher, remove the utensil holders and racks, check for stuck-on food, then wipe down. Grab a handful of paper towels and press them onto the base of the washer to pick up any shards, bones, metal or food gunk. Add 2 cups of vinegar to the bottom and turn the machine on Energy or Low Wash. Stop mid-wash, so the vinegar can sit on the bottom. Let stand for 20 minutes, then turn on to finish cycle. When done, wipe out the inside.goodhousekeeping.com