There is nothing I like better than helping clients get rid of their storage units.
While storage units can definitely serve a purpose, so many people use them to store stuff they just don’t want to deal with. And that delayed decision-making process can really add up with monthly storage fees. If you want my two cents…if you’re not using the stuff in your home, you’re not going to start using it more by schlepping it to a storage unit.
The best way to tackle something as large as a storage unit is to tell yourself “Having this unit is NOT a solution.” Just because it’s out of sight, doesn’t mean it’s out of mind. Your stuff is still there, hanging over your head, costing you money.
“What if I get rid of something I end up needing later?” is a question I get a lot. I always respond with “What if you keep paying to store a bunch of stuff you never end up using?”
Will you come across some treasures? Probably. If that’s the case, they should be in your home, not packed away in some off-site storage facility. This may lead you to make some decisions on things you have in your home. But remember, everything you keep should serve you and the life you want to lead.
There is great power in letting go. You can sell valuable items such as furniture or help others by donating to a charity. And if you’re keeping something purely for sentimental reasons, maybe taking a picture of it and letting the item go is a solution.
It’s a new year, kick it off by doing something that will bring you immense relief. I know a storage unit can seem daunting, but if you’re ready to clear one out and eliminate that monthly bill, give me a call!