Declutter Your Closet

We’ve spent a lot of time so far this year, going over some organizing basics. But I know some of you still feel a bit overwhelmed by the thought of decluttering your homes. This month, because I know you’re up for it, we will finally declutter your closet.

Decluttering Guide – Part Two

We’ve spent a lot of time so far this year, going over some organizing basics. But I know some of you still feel a bit overwhelmed by the thought of decluttering your homes.

10 Quick and Easy Decluttering Ideas

This month, I want to help you with a quick start guide of what to toss, donate or recycle. Below is a list of 10 items I’ve helped nearly every single one of my clients purge.

Organizing with Kids

It’s never too early to start teaching your kids good habits, including picking up after themselves and being organized.

Order…Not Chaos. Staying Organized.

Buying the wrong boxes and bins can just add to your clutter. Yes, uniform bins and baskets are lovely. And they definitely serve a purpose. But before going on any kind of shopping binge on bins, look at what you already have…and use it. I love “shopping” from my clients’ homes.